Abigail Jayne Hypnotherapy

ready for change?



Abigail Jayne


a little about my services

Hypnotherapy & Coaching

The form of hypnotherapy that I use is called RTT or Rapid Transformational Therapy, founded & made famous by Marisa Peer.

In 2 transformative hours, RTT identifies the source of your concern, rewrites beliefs, and sets you on your path to achieving your goal. And every client receives a tailored recording to amplify the change over the following month.

All sessions are provided over zoom, in the comfort of your own homes, so as long as you have wifi & 2 hrs to yourself, we’re good to go!

Apart from special requests, coaching for me has become a follow up service to hypnotherapy. My clients have full follow up available to them, and I highly encourage them to hop in my whatsapp’s, and share their journey! Some success stories are instant, others are a gradual transition, and conversation around this is what leads to beautiful transformations, you are never alone in this process!


what can rtt offer me?

Typical RTT Clients

If you’ve researched hypnotherapy at all, you’ll know that the topics that it covers are wide ranging!

You’ve maybe heard the theory that you become what you believe. If you’re overweight, that comes from a belief(s), if you have trouble speaking in front of others, that comes from somewhere too. Whatever the topic, RTT uses the same principles to go back and find that origin story and rewrite that belief.

I’ve listed a few common topics below

weight loss hypnosis, body image

Mind Body

The relationship we have with our own mind & body can be the absolute worst! Often we tell ourselves things that we wouldn’t say to our worst enemies, & without any hatred in our intent, we repeat those things daily.

And then we’re surprised when our health fails, or our weight rises or falls.

The human body is an incredible machine! And the (subconscious) mind has the power to make change!

If you need help to love, accept, improve or heal, I’d love to hear from you!

Get that promotion with hypnosis

career progression

Career progression in RTT can come down to confidence, issues speaking in public, worthiness around the next step, clarity of career goals v. life goals.

You’ll know better than I will what’s coming up for you in this area, but I can help you find out why, and what the next step forward is.

improve relationships with hynosis


Relationships can be full of turmoil!

How do I avoid self-abandonment, but still commit to my partner? How do I let my walls down for a new person when the others have all hurt me? How do I let them love me if I don’t love myself?

There’s so often a very immediate feeling of conflict between what we want and need, but is that really the case?


If your current need isn’t listed above, please don’t let that hold you back from getting in touch!

This therapy is healing & transformative! If you’re on this site, chances are that you need a change in your life and if you take the next step, I’ll help you with the next 3.

I’ll even refer you to a colleague if your needs will be better suited by one of my specialist peers.

Rule your mind or it will rule you
— Buddha